So here are a few things about me that you may not know. Some of them are interesting. Others are completely random and crazy. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little better.
1. I can only raise my left eyebrow. I have tried repeatedly to raise my right one by itself but my face just ends up scrunched up and looking funny or both eyebrows end up raised.
2. I like to dip Oreos, Cookies, and Graham Crackers in water instead of milk.
3. I am sometimes incapable of walking in a straight line.
4. I am insanely ticklish. In fact I sometimes don't even have to be touched all it takes is someone wiggling their fingers and talking about tickling me to get me laughing. (I have gotten better at controlling this over the years.)
5. I sometimes snort when I laugh.
6. My eyes look green but there is no green in them. (They are actually blue brown and gold.)
7. I have never broken a bone. ( I did crack my collar bone one year on Thanksgiving but no one believed it since it wasn't actually broken just mostly cracked.)
8. My favorite color is green but I also really love pink.
9. When I was a kid I hated the colors purple and pink because I thought they were too girly. (I was a bit of a tom boy growing up. Now I am a definite girly girl!)
10. I collect zebras. (There is a funny story behind that one. It all started with a pair of zebra striped panties.) Ask me and I'll tell you the story.
11. I generally dislike sea food but I sometimes get a strong craving for tuna fish sandwiches or fresh shrimp gumbo.
12. As a child I grew up on a farm and I would often get up between 5 and 6 am to feed 13 baby calves and my horse.
13. I have insanely protective instincts when it comes to family, friends, and the people I love.
14. I usually have some sort of song stuck in my head that makes me want to dance.
15. I once got out of a speeding ticket because I was singing the Star Spangled Banner at the top of my lungs with the windows rolled down. The highway patrol man thought I was very patriotic. (I got off with a warning.)
16. I don't like iceberg lettuce.
17. One of my favorite books is Pride and Prejudice. (I do not own my own copy of the book.)
18. I like to underline favorite parts and quotes in my favorite books that I own.
19. I am very stubborn and independent especially when someone tries to tell me I have to do something, or how to do it.
20. I am a writer and I currently have about 7 projects I have been working on. I have decided to focus on one this summer to get it finished and publication ready.
21. I don't like chocolate based ice creams.
22. I sleep with two normal pillows, a body pillow, and sometimes a stuffed animal. I spray the body pillow with my favorite men's cologne. (What can I say I love to snuggle and the cologne really smells good.)
23. I can put on all of my makeup while driving or occasionally without a mirror.
24. For some reason the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas seriously creeps me out. I haven't been able to watch it since I was a kid and it freaks me out when the haunted mansion at Disney Land is decorated from October through December with scenes and characters from the movie.
25. Last but not least... I thoroughly enjoy my daily naked time! There is nothing more therapeutic than dancing in front of a mirror in your birthday suit while getting ready for the day and saying to yourself I'm a hottie with a naughty body! Try it. I guarantee you will love it!
These are just a few random things I could think of that are a part of the makeup of me! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better!